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All The Info

Welcome to my travel blog! I am Arianna Meletiou, a proud Gamecock at the University of South Carolina, Class of 2022. I am a Pre-Health B.S. student in the Arnold School of Public Health, with a passion for the sport medical industry. USC is probably my favorite place in the world, and it is because of USC that I have this opportunity. I know many of you that know me have looked at me funny when I said I'm going to spend my spring semester on exchange in a state two time zones away that I've never been to, but life is short and meant to be lived, so why not? I have always been a person who has valued life experiences over possessions, and this was an experiential opportunity I simply couldn't pass up. I chose Boise State University because urban legend has it that Idaho is one of the most beautiful hidden gems of the nation, and just I had to see so for myself. So here I am, in Boise Idaho, and here you, wherever you are, reading this. I'm walking this journey by faith and prayer, and although I have no idea what to expect, I trust it's going to be great. So stick around, because even I don't know what's going to happen next.

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